5月27日 -在盛夏到来之际,Vans DragonSK8滑板巡回赛来到了昆明北辰财富中心,为春城滑板人和爱好者呈现了一场绝佳的滑板盛宴。现场不仅有来自全国各地的职业滑手前来角逐万元奖金,性感动人的Show Girl,还展示了昆明站的特别订制道具Halfcab——超高的难度和新奇的造型令人疯狂!
在经过周末两天的惨烈厮杀,最终李祉兴拿下了令人垂涎的昆明站最佳Best Best大奖,将5000元的冠军现金奖励收入囊中,同时在全新的DragonGAP项目中与Vans ChinaTeam 的王汇丰共同创造了目前为止全国最远斜面Ollie纪录——5.10米!昆明本土滑手在业余组各项比赛中的不俗表现也得到了裁判的肯定,施浩然获得了业余组Best Best大奖并以3.80米的斜面Ollie距离赢得了业余组DragonGAP奖项,期待明年能在职业组看到各位滑手!
这是 VansDragonSK8滑板巡回赛第一次来到昆明,我们下站武汉见!
Vans Dragonsk8昆明站比赛结果:
Best Trick
Quarter Pipe-团潘清安(越南) RMB 500
Stairs- 沈续磊(浙江) RMB 500
Ledge/rail/hubba-黄杰 (云南) RMB 500
Half Cab-尹力(云南) RMB 500
Quarter Pipe- 王汇丰(广东) RMB 1000
Stairs-王旻君(上海) RMB 1000
Ledge/rail/hubba- 李祉兴(辽宁) RMB 1000
Half Cab-李祉兴(辽宁) RMB 1000
Dragon Gap (飞跃Bank道具的最远Ollie)
AM-施浩然(云南) (3.80米)RMB 1000
PRO-王汇丰(广东)&李祉兴(辽宁)(5.10米)RMB 1500
Dragon Battle大奖(两天比赛完成动作次数最多者)
Evgeny Buzukin(俄罗斯) RMB 1000
Best Best大奖 (两天比赛综合表现)
冠军 施浩然(云南) RMB 2000
亚军 团潘清安(越南) RMB 1000
季军 尹力(云南) RMB 500
冠军 李祉兴(辽宁) RMB 5000
亚军 王汇丰(广东) RMB 2000
季军 Dan Sonsrichai(美国) RMB 1000
下一站:武汉 6月16-18日
比赛详情及具体信息敬请关注赛事官网: www.dragonsk8.com
Vans官方网站和微博 weibo.com/vanschina & vansblog.com.cn
关于Dragon Sk8
DRAGON SK8滑板巡回赛创立自2009年,赛事瞄准迅速崛起的中国极限运动市场,倾力三载成长为国内最受瞩目的专业滑板赛事,赛事的知名度、认同度和专业性不断提高,成为中国滑手认可的卓越滑板赛事;无论是从专业道具、赛制还是参与品牌,赛事都呈现出中国滑板运动的最高水平。
关于Wabsono潮极限 -- China’s Action Sports Solution
Vans是最原创的滑板鞋制造商,为滑手创制了完整的鞋服产品系列。Vans通过本土和国家性的草根滑板活动,以及旗下著名的职业滑板精英 Geoff Rowley, Tony Trujillo, Dustin Dollin, Anthony Van Engelen, Bucky Lasek和Omar Hassan,以及滑板界的传奇人物Tony Alva, Steve Caballero, Jeff Grosso and Christian Hosoi的影响力,来推广滑板文化的发展。除此之外,Vans每年还举办像Pro-tec Pool Party和Vans Downtown Showdown这两个世界上最具有影响力的滑板比赛 。
手拿challenge 小鱼板,管牧戴着李祉兴的小墨镜开心了
李祉兴,bs 5-0手抓板下
P Dan,5-0
王旻君,bs kickclip 50-50
跳远最后的角逐在王汇丰和李祉兴之间展开,两个人每次落点都一模一样,5米1的距离震惊了在场所有人,这个长度会不会被打破?还要看下次的VANS Dragon SK8!
Vans Dragon SK8 2012 Kunming Event News and Results
May 27th Shanghai - May 26th – 27th 2012, the Kunming stop of the Vans Dragonsk8 contest saw amazing skateboarding from some of China’s best PROs and AMs, all of which were vying for a piece of the ¥21,oooprize purse.
The PRO division Best Best category went to Li Zhixing, while local skater Shi Haoran took first place from the AM division of the same category. Outstanding performance also came from Wang Huifeng who placed first in the PRO Best Trick Quarterpipe category and Tuanpan Qingan who place second in the AM Best of Best. Full results are listed below.
Where: Beichen Fortune Center, Beijing Rd extension line, Kunming
Who: China’s Finest PRO skaters, Kunming and surrounding area skate community and ethusiasts, and the Vans China Skate Team; Wang Hui Feng, Dan Sonsrichai, Wang Minjung, Wang Guohua, & Zhenya Buzukin.
Kunming Vans Dragonsk8 Results:
Best Trick (Best Performance on Each Obstacle)
Quarter Pipe-Tuanpan Qingan(Vietnam) RMB 500
Stairs- Huang Jie(Yunnan) RMB 500
Ledge/rail/hubba-Shen Xulei(Zhejiang) RMB 500
Half Cab-Yin Li(Yunnan) RMB 500
Quarter Pipe- Wang Huifeng(Guangdong) RMB 1000
Stairs- Wang Minjun(Shanghai) RMB 1000
Ledge/rail/hubba- Li Zhixing(Liaoning) RMB 1000
Half Cab- Li Zhixing(Liaoning) RMB 1000
Dragon Gap (Longest ollie off bank)(China Skateboarding Record)
AM- Shi Haoran(Yunnan)(3.8M) RMB 1000
PRO- Li Zhixing(Liaoning)(5.1M) RMB 1500
Dragon Battle (Succeed Most Tricks )
Evgeny Buzukin(Russia) RMB 1000
Best Best (Best Overall Performance on All Obstacles)
1st Shi Haoran(Yunnan) RMB 2000
2nd Tuanpan Qingan(Vietnam) RMB 1000
3rd Yin Li(Yunnan) RMB 500
1st Li Zhixing(Liaoning) RMB 5000
2nd Wang Huifeng(Guangdong) RMB 2000
3rd Dan Sonsrichai(USA) RMB 1000
More on:www.dragonsk8.com
Weibo: @vansdragonsk8
VansChina: weibo.com/vanschina & vansblog.com.cn
About Dragon Sk8
In its fourth year, the Vans Dragon Sk8 Series is designed to empower active participants and welcome mainstream lifestyle consumers to enjoy the spirit & culture of skateboarding.
More on Wabsono “China’s Action Sports Solution”
Based in Hangzhou PRC, Wabsono Internationals Action Sports unit has become a leader in the development of Action Sports participation and lifestyle in China. Wabsono currently specializes in Marketing, Promotion, Manufacturing and Distribution of the lifestyle and related products of Surfing, Skateboarding and Snowboarding. Having a strong position in the industry, Wabsono is capable of spending the necessary time and effort to build brands while building the lifestyle in China. Wabsono is committed to increasing the popularity of the Skate and Surf lifestyle in China.
About Vans
Vans, the original skate shoe maker, creates a full range of footwear and apparel for skaters. Vans supports grassroots skateboarding at both the local and national level and through our pro team that includes skaters such as Geoff Rowley, Tony Trujillo, Dustin Dollin, Anthony Van Engelen, Bucky Lasek and Omar Hassan as well as legends Tony Alva, Steve Caballero, Jeff Grosso and Christian Hosoi. Vans stages two of the world’s most progressive skate contests in the Pro-tec Pool Party and the Vans Downtown Showdown.