洛杉矶街服品牌The Hundreds与艺术家Kenny Scharf 联手打造合作款系列产品,这一系列产品再设计上采用了Scharf代表性的卡通风格,而产品则可谓五花八门,从滑板板面、T恤、水壶、手电筒、马克杯到帽子,该系产品现已上架The Hundreds在线商店。
Artist Kenny Scharf and The Hundreds recently collaborated to produce an exclusive capsule collection featuring Scharf’s signature cartoon imagery utilized as eye-catching prints. In addition to the outerwear pieces and T-shirts come a variety of accessories and headwear options including a skate deck, canteen, mug, flashlight and even a matchbox along with a Kamping 5-panel, Kenny Wear zip-back cap and verse reversible bucket hat. All of these pieces are also adorned with Scharf’s illustrations and are now available via The Hundreds online store.