SONY运动摄像机系列再添新宠-4k摄像机FDR-X1000V,让堪比好莱坞大片的4K画质也可以出自普通玩家之手,专业级XAVC S 解码器实现完美高码率视频拍摄,超逼真分辨率,高帧频全高清120p和HD/240p超慢镜,助你捕捉超乎想像的户外体验。
Enjoy Action Cam' s 4K quality and other advanced features. Sony's latest addition to its Action Cam line-up, FDR-X1000V, combines all the features experienced users have been waiting for. 4K picture quality is equal to that of current Hollywood blockbusters, the professional-grade XAVC S codec ensures beautiful footage with high-bitrate recording*1, and handy features like the Highlight Movie Maker*2 help you turn your shots into a mesmerizing masterpiece.