Vans off the Wall: 1966 DVD套装上市

作者: 发表于: 2010-11-22 评论: 0 查看: 0

    Vans推出的首部滑板影片1966已于10月31日正式发售,DVD版套装包括:The Vans off the Wall: 1966 DVD,100页的画册和含21首曲目的Percy Dean CD,Vans核心店和精选滑板店均有销售。


    《Vans off the Wall: 1966》一片经过12个月的拍摄和剪辑,影片以vans和滑板运动从1966年起至今的进化史为基线,描绘了Vans华夫格鞋底以及它对滑板运动的影响。影片采用极品鱼眼拍摄的每一处简介都会向你展示滑板运动的一个不同的时代,比如高筒袜和短裤到肥腿裤。


    You probably know by now that Vans started up in 1966 and still is one of the biggest skateboard shoe brands out there. For the first time ever they have made a skateboard video, called 1966. In this video you dont see the American side of skateboarding, but only European riders on a lot of unknown spots.

    The complete Vans off the Wall: 1966  movie took twelve months of filming and editing, with some of the most respected skateboard in Europe today.

    The movie follows a line on how Vans and skateboarding evolved since 1966. With the Vans shoe waffle as main image and what it left behind in skateboarding. In each intro you will see a different era in skateboarding, like the high socks and shorts to baggie jeans with super fisheye filmed shots.

    To create a more unique video they went to several countrys as the US, China, Czech Republic, UK, Dubai & Abu Dhabi, Spain and France and mostly went to spots that where never before shown on video.

Riders featured in the movie:
- Alain Saavedra
- Ben Grove
- Chris Pfanner
- Danny Wainwright
- Flo Marfaing
- Hugo Liard
- Ignacio Nachete Morata
- Joris Brichet
- Kris Vile
- Madars Apse
- Micky Iglesias
- Nicky Guerrero,
- Ross McGouran
- Sam Partaix
- Sarah Meurle
- Tomas Vintr
- Phil Zwijsen

Vans off the Wall: 1966 Booklet info:

What: The Vans 1966 video, including a 100 page book showing the making of the video plus a Percy Dean cd with 21 tracks
When: From the 31st of october available
Where: Vans Stores and selected skate shops

来源: vans
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