Vans打造的经典鞋底款iPhone 4保护壳绝对算得上是众多同类产品中的创意之作,从经典的Vans华夫格橡胶鞋底到醒目的“Off the Wall” LOGO,再到独具滑板范儿的鞋头保护设计,100美元的价格就可以让你的iPhone 4淡定的在手掌板上踢出Kickflip,不够淡定的童鞋抓紧杀向ebay吧!心里手巧的童鞋也可以考虑自己DIY个Ipad鞋套什么的......
If they ever decide to launch the iPhone cases and accessories awards, we have found a strong contender for the iPhone 4 Case of the Year trophy with this Vans Rubber Waffle edition. Vans took their iconic waffle patterned sole and fittingly placed it underneath a white “midsole.” They also applied the red Vans Off the Wall tag, a navy foxing stripe around the border of the screen, and they even put a toe bumper to top it off! From what we read, they have moved fast and are hitting $100 on ebay. Good luck tracking one down for a fair price.