炎炎夏日,Plan B推出的全新BLK ICE签名款系列板面单就名字都让人觉得凉爽,当然这只是他们的全新工艺,超顺滑底层结构板面,除了比市面上的增滑板面更顺滑之外,这一工艺底层也更轻更硬,看看旗下四位主力PRO的测试视频相信你也会爱上!
Thoroughly tested by the entire team, BLK ICE is a new slick bottom construction that helps make any obstacle slide-able. BLK ICE boards slide further and faster than any slick board on the market. Unlike slicks of the past, BLK ICE is Lighter in weight and Stiffer than a regular 7 Ply board. No more Soggy Slicks.