Jart X PlayBoy 合作款板面 & 轮子 高逼格宣传片发布

作者: JARTSKATEVIDEOS 发表于: 2015-04-01 评论: 0 查看: 0

Jart 滑板与著名传奇品牌花花公子PlayBoy 强强联手,合作款板面和轮子正式发布。宣传片由Mark Frolich 在唯美的伦敦演绎,既然有PlayBoy 的加入,低胸美女元素是一定少不了的!整部影片想表达的是,换上了PlayBoy 合作款产品,让你滑板时刻充血,做招射得更高更远。

JART SKATEBOARDS and the legendary publication PLAYBOY have collaborated to release this exclusive skate deck series. Check out Mark Frolich as he skates through London and see the surprising and decadent world he enters!

来源: Youtube
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