Guy Mariano三方联袂限量签名合作系列产品发布

作者: 发表于: 2014-12-16 评论: 0 查看: 0

连续一周看过Guy Mariano的纪录片之后,Berrics x The Skateboard Mag x Girl Skateboards三方联合打造的限量版Guy Mariano签名合作款系列产品也随之发布,其中包括板面、T恤和卫衣,图案出自The Skateboard Mag,整个系列都是既简洁又文艺的风格。

This limited edition Guy Mariano Berrics x The Skateboard Mag x Girl Skateboards collection turned out amazing. The boards went fast but there are still a few tees and hoodies available featuring the photography of TSM’s, Atiba Jefferson, shot for Guy’s ProFile in issue 130. Hurry and head to theberrics.com/canteen to get your hands on a piece of Mariano history before it all runs out!

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