沸点旗下滑板品牌Justice首度发布与菲律宾首都马尼拉本土滑板店Calle Skate Shop联合呈现—— “Unite Asia”
Justice X Calle合作款板面的设计巧妙的借用了菲律宾国旗与马尼拉市徽的元素——代表自由的太阳和象征菲律宾群岛的三大区——吕宋、米沙鄢和棉兰老的三星,而选择以代表和平、真理和正义的蓝色和代表勇敢的红色作为板面的主色也与Justice的理念和滑板精神完美契合。 |

About Calle skate shop:
Calle skate shop/boutique is a retail shop founded in 2009 with the commitment to carry brands true to the roots of the skateboarding culture. As a skater owned and operated skate shop we understand the need of affordable, reliable and functional products in the market that our local consumers would want. Our retail store offers a wide range of skateboard and street wear goods to suit your individual style combine with a team of knowledgeable staff that can guarantee the best retail experience possible.