Organika x Brian Lotti 艺术家系列

作者: Organika 发表于: 2013-11-25 评论: 0 查看: 0

Organika 与滑手艺术家Brian Lotti 合作生产了一系列艺术气息浓郁的 滑板,与Girl x Swanski都不约而同的采用了版画的艺术形式。
这几块板面分别绘制了东奥克兰山,巴西某处,北旧金山和新泽西市区的风景,每个地点分别代表了Organika对应的职业滑手 。

Organika‘s latest collaboration with Brian Lotti came about through Karl Watson, who credits Brian as one of the major influences on his style. This new series consists of four boards that show vertical landscapes winding through scenery ranging from the East Oakland Hills, an isolated area of Brazil, the wine country north of San Francisco, and a downtown area in New Jersey; all of which directly relate to each of the pros on the team. This theme of environments shaping the individual ties into a concept that Brian calls the “New Natives” which he describes as follows, “Day after day, people are out skating – out in the landscape. I think a big part of what we dig in skateboarding is not just doing tricks, it’s our relationship to different places, and how we kind of move and journey about. That’s a big part of our life. So yeah, in a way I would say skateboarders – they’re like the new natives… we’re like the new Indians.”

来源: 中国滑板网
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