Spitfire - Trunk Boyz 系列滑板轮发布

作者: Spitfire 发表于: 2013-01-18 评论: 0 查看: 0


       Spitfire也赶着新年到来之际发布了其最新的滑板轮产品,其中不得不提的便是Trunk Boyz系列,Raven Tershy,Stevie Perez,Elijah Berle,Cory Kennedy,Vincent Alvarez等5位滑手的名字同时印在了Trunk Boyz系列上。当然也少不了Mike Mo, Chris Cole, Marc Johnson, AVE等滑手的签名款,喜欢Spitfire的朋友千万不要错过哦!


Trunk Boyz系列宣传视频



Raven Tershy, Stevie Perez, Elijah Berle, Cory Kennedy, and Vincent Alvarez just dropped a video for the release of their Trunk Boyz wheels. Check it out here, plus new products from Spitfire.


来源: Spitfire
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