SUPRA呈现:Lizard King最新签名款战靴「Shredder 」火热广告

作者: Supra 发表于: 2015-07-14 评论: 0 查看: 0

Lizard King 最新个人签名款滑板鞋「Shredder 」火热出炉,全新的低帮鞋款,完全贴合蜥蜴王滑板时的需求与个人品味。鞋型修长,简洁,与砂纸摩擦时的脚感十分明显,「Shredder 」既融合了过去经典的元素,也包含了现代滑板运动的需要。

Skateboarding is all about finding a way to do something new, or something old in a new way. In an era of copycats and one-uppers, Lizard King managed to carve out his own corner in skateboarding by doing the tricks he liked, where he liked, and all with his own signature style. It is in that vein that we present the all-new Shredder low top. We’ve taken the traditional vulcanized skate shoe that we’ve all grown to love and adapted it to meet Lizard’s own tastes and needs. Shredder offers a classic, straightforward design updated to meet the demands of modern skateboarding. A long, clean vamp offers exceptional board flick while a canvas quarters provides ventilation and small rifts between the materials improve the lifespan of the shoe. A new, dual traction sole provides exceptional grip and board feel and a lightly padded interior of Drilex mesh aids in wicking away moisture and keeping your feet cool.

来源: Supra
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