潮流滑板鞋品牌HUF x 纽约滑板品牌Bronze 56K合作款系列发布,该系列包括一款经典的高帮鞋,两款配色的袜子以及一款帽子和T恤,造势宣传片“Hippie Speedball” 则由Josh Wilson, Kevin Tierney, Richie Rizzo等滑手呈现,略带恶搞情节,希望合大家的胃口!
“Hippie Speedball” features the skating of Josh Wilson, Kevin Tierney, and Richie Rizzo and was filmed and edited by Peter Sidlauskas.
The limited-edition HUF x Bronze 56K Collaboration consists of a co-branded Classic Hi shoe, two sock colorways, and a promotional hat and tee and is now available exclusively at the HUF online store and at select HUF retailers worldwide.