滑板圈在进化,相信你看完这部Adidas滑手Silas Baxter-Neal的一天之后你就会有和我一样的感受。因为这不再单纯是跟在滑手的屁股后面跟拍他一天的真实生活,也不是费尽心机的为自己的最新签名款滑板鞋Silas ADV拍宣传片。这简直就是一部美式情景剧,等着被奥斯卡提名吧!
Silas Baxter-Neal is known for his skateboarding, but did you know he’s really the brains behind adidas Skateboarding? Spend “a day in the life” with Silas, and see what exactly went into marketing his new shoe, the Silas ADV. The Silas ADV is now available at your local skateboard shop.