时代在变,老牌滑板鞋的处境也越发的尴尬了,究竟如何寻找出路?经典的3E滑板鞋品牌之一etnies近日发布Future Heritage Collection系列,以etnies早起经典的鞋款设计为灵感,辅以符合当下潮流趋势的功能特性是该系列的初衷。 首发的两款新鞋分别为Lo-Cut 和 Lo-Cut SC,是否能赢得大众的认可有待观望!
etnies Future Heritage Collection is dedicated to taking its classic designs from the archives and applying them to the trends and needs of footwear today. The first shoes in the Future Heritage Collection are the Lo-Cut and the Lo-Cut SC. Both styles drop today. Check them out!