Collection:AVENUE&SON SPRING 2019
Photographer:Bilal Ali(比拉力)
Models:Jeremy Hu(胡天祐),Stephen Khou,小鸡(王国华),Wenxin Zhang(张文馨)
Styling:Stephen Khou
Makeup & Hair:Jinyu Zhou

为了建造步入二零一九的正式感,AVENUE & SON在下了无数场雨的上海冬天里,研究出了 AVENUE & SON 今年的头彩系列:SPRING 2019 为即将到来的春节奉上优雅经典不失野劲的实穿指南
To start 2019 with fresh air and its own possibilities, we are happy to be here to debut our first edition of The Year of The Pig - AVENUE & SON SPRING 2019, after commemorating trends of the past and foreseeing functional design of the future in order to assist your CNY look

对二零一八的怀旧热潮衷心不减的AVENUE & SON,在这一季单品中,还是不肯放过任何值得被捕捉的情愫:条纹、撞色,和动物纹。仿动物纹毛绒套装、黄蓝和黑白相配的套头套装、细条纹的香草拿铁毛呢套装… 所有的材质都能以保暖的基本属性对应冬日各种天气状况;阴阳互换的男女同款,正装与便装交互也可以为冬日搭配带来自由和出挑的自在感。秉承我们对着装和街头的自我微哲学 - 经典、实穿和头彩路人,配有亮眼但不廉价的黑白logo,以此来开启所有大道之子对过去和现在之间,碰撞和交融的一网打尽
After visiting the past, we brought animal print to our new collection with other classic elements of AVENUE & SON look, such as stripes and color blocking and sporty breeze as always. Matching jacket and pants sets with a subtle AVENUE & SON logo are used in a classic and fashionable way to blur the line between the unconventional and the different situations. They are fully appreciated from either having CNY family dinner or getting drunk with your homies
本次拍摄依旧邀请了摄影师Bilal Ali(比拉力)操刀拍摄,由 AVENUE & SON 主理人 Stephen Khou,Jeremy Hu(胡天祐), AVENUE & SON 滑手小鸡(王国华),以及我们的朋友WenXin Zhang(张文馨)出镜给,在上海老牌餐厅保罗和创意园,为你们献上春节不论是家庭聚会还是出门买醉,都万无一失搭配篇章
Once again AVENUE & SON worked with AVENUE & SON family including photographer Bilal Ali, founders Stephen Khou and Jeremy Hu(胡天祐), team rider Xiao Ji (王国华), and friend Wenxin Zhang(张文馨), to present our latest collection which was shot at Shanghainese restaurant, Polo, and Shanghai Creative Garden. You can’t go wrong with one of these outfits to bring The Year of The Pig!