滑板视频 Video

《PlanB in Moscow》背景音乐

发表于: 2009-02-13 查看: 0

Back in the USSR
主创:Paul John:六弦贝斯,和声
George:和声,爵士贝斯(jazz bass)
录音地点:Abbey Road

录音时间: 1968年8月22日,5个节奏take录制完毕
首次发售:1968年11月22日,The White Album(英国)
歌词: Flew in from Miami Beach BOAC Didn't get to bed last night Oh, the way the paper bag was on my knee Man, I had a dreadful flight I'm back in the USSR You don't know how lucky you are, boy Back in the USSR, yeah Been away so long I early knew the place Gee, it's goo to be back home Leave it till tomorrow to unpack my case Honey disconnect the phone I'm back in the USSR You don't know how lucky you are, boy Back in the US Back in the US Back in the USSR Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out They leave the west behind And Moscow girls make me sing and shout They Georgia's always on my my my my my my my my my mind Oh, come on Hu Hey Hu, hey, ah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah I'm back in the USSR You don't know how lucky you are, boys Back in the USSR Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out They leave the west behind And Moscow girls make me sing and shout They Georgia's always on my my my my my my my my my mind Oh, show me round your snow peaked mountain way down south Take me to you daddy's farm Let me hear you balalaika's ringing out Come and keep your comrade warm I'm back in the USSR Hey, You don't know how lucky you are, boy Back in the USSR Oh, let me tell you honey

      因为和苏联扯上了关系,这首歌常常会被人拿来探讨Beatles的政治倾向。 但其实Paul并不是一个对政治有太多想法的人,他写歌的理由其实非常简单。 当时Chuck Berry写了一首歌叫作'Back In The USA',非常的美国化,很有Chuck Berry自己的风格。 Paul很喜欢这首歌,觉得里面描写的那种“等不及要回到美国,如果下了飞机以后就要亲吻地面”的军队生活十分的吸引人。 这种极具美国味的描写一直在Paul脑中挥之不去。 Paul同时又想到了Beach Boys的一首歌叫做"California Girls"。 一些乔治亚州的女孩谈论乌克兰,在她们眼里,那里就像加利福尼亚一样,这也让Paul觉得十分有趣。 于是,在Paul脑子里出现了一个在美国生活了很长很长时间的间谍。 他已经完全被美国化了,但是要回到苏联去。
       在Paul的想象中,间谍会说,'Leave it till tomorrow, honey, to disconnect the phone'。 他还会用很美国化的方式说'Come here honey',但对象却是一个俄国女性。 Paul想把俄国女性的特质给写出来。
       “Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out They leave the west behind And Moscow girls make me sing and shout They Georgia's always on my my my my my my my my my mind” Paul自己形容这首很狂野很摇滚的歌为“只是对Beach Boy的一次粗劣模仿”。 这样说也未免太谦虚了,毕竟能放在第一首的歌,通常都是得到了Beatles和Martin相当的认可的。 曲子很有张力,歌词也充分展现了Paul想表现的急切之情。 这首歌里也充分显示了Paul嗓音的多变,和对各种不同类型歌的驾驭能力。
       1976年,这首歌也被录制成单曲A面发售,B面是Twist And Shout。(这个组合有点奇怪……) 这首歌里的鼓也是Paul自己打的。 在录制White Album的时候由于气氛很不友好,Ringo曾经一度出走。 Ringo不在的时候,Paul代替他成为鼓手。 相对于其他三个人,Beatles对鼓手一直不是特别重视。 在出道前,Pete Best还没有加入的时候,Paul就充当过鼓手。 《Ticket To Ride》中的鼓也是Paul的贡献。应该说Paul的鼓打得是相当不错的。 关于Ringo的出走,自己替代他做鼓手的事,Paul有一段相当不客气地言论。 Paul和John不一样,对媒体说话通常礼貌而委婉,很少会这样…… 因为太尖刻了,我不太想翻译,放在下面大家自己看吧。 "I'm sure it pissed Ringo off when he couldn't quite get the drums to 'Back in the USSR,' and I sat in. It's very weird to know that you can do a thing someone else is having trouble with. If you go down and do it, just bluff right through it, you know, 'What the hell? At least I'm helping.' Then the paranoia comes in, 'But I'm going to show him up!' I was very sensitive to that."

来源: 中国滑板网
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