也许有时候你会让练习各种动作,参加比赛,拿到赞助等等这些充斥着你的滑板生活,但是当你放下所有去寻找本来的快乐时,你要做的就是drop in下去,享受此刻的安静。一起来欣赏这部由摄影是Aaron Lieber拍摄,Brooks Sterling制作,滑手Zach Miller演绎的文艺碗池短片《Where is my mind》
Where Is My Mind is a beautiful short by Aaron Lieber featuring skateboarder Zach Miller.
Having recently featured in Creatio Ex Nihilo, it’s clear Zach has a knack for shredding empty pools.
« Sometimes you get caught up trying to learn every trick, ride contests, get sponsors… But when you block all that out and bring it back to finding a line and riding, you realize in the end that there is only one trick, drop in. »
