来自美国滑板杂志TransWorld SKATEboarding一年一度的评选活动今年迎来了第17届,作为滑板届公认的权威媒体,一起来看看今年的评选结果是否合你的心意!
最佳新人:Aaron Herrington
读者选择:Wes Kremer
最佳影片:Josh Stewart – Static 4/5
最佳片段:Dylan Rieder – “cherry”
最佳封面:Zack Wallin, kickflip. July issue. Photo / Chami
最佳新人短片(Video Check Out):Nate Greenwood
最佳照片:Jack Fardell, frontside carve. Photo / Chami
最佳巡回:HUF Americans Do America
最佳独立影片:IC2 byMikey Alfred
New for this year’s show, we incorporated several additional TransWorld SKATEboarding content based Readers’ Choice awards in an effort to open up more category voting to the fans. From the best TWSKATE photos of the year, to the covers, to the video Check Outs, and everything in between, the voices of fans were heard.