P Rod敲开谁的门-Primitive收编超猛PRO滑手Bastien Salabanzi

作者: 发表于: 2015-01-07 评论: 0 查看: 0

众所周知Paul Rodriguez自创滑板品牌Primitive精选的滑手个个技艺高深。新年开启,P Rod也决定再度敲开一扇门,收编前Flip和Jart滑手Bastien Salabanzi。要说保罗哥与Bastien还真是同一时期的滑手,此次联姻还真是门当户对哦!

P Rod has been carefully selecting riders for his team, and it's no surprise that Primitive's newest pro is a highly-respected ripper who is at the top of his game. When Paul knocks, you answer the door... and then go skate.

来源: theberrics
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