重振旗鼓-滑板老品牌Black Label重获命运主权

作者: 发表于: 2014-09-22 评论: 0 查看: 0

“Never Be Bought,Never Be Sold!”--经历了25年的洗礼,滑板界的老品牌Black Label兴奋的向业界宣布,再一次夺回命运主权,从今往后他们将自主品牌的所有业务,就像他们自己所理解的一样“如果你想作对一件事,你就得自己去做!”

There’s a tried and true saying that goes “If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.” Black Label Skateboards is stoked and excited to announce that they are once again in charge of their own destiny and will now be handling all sales and distribution in house.

来源: blacklabelskates
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