Street League滑板联盟比赛搬新家,宣布与FOX Sports合作

作者: TWS 发表于: 2014-03-07 评论: 0 查看: 0

年度滑板盛典Street League Skateboarding(SLS)非常自豪的宣告今年将与FOX Sports合作

2014年Street League Skateboarding各个巡回站比赛都会在FOX  Sports 1频道和StreetLeague.com上实况转播。今年谁将夺得冠军的宝座,谁将刷新各项历史记录,让我们拭目以待!


For its first major announcement of the year, Street League is proud to announce a multi-year partnership with FOX Sports. Every stop of the 2014 Tour will air live on FOX Sports 1 and StreetLeague.com. Check in with StreetLeague.com for event dates and tickets, extensive coverage and analysis, and all things SLS. 


来源: 中国滑板网
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