近日NIKE SB官网发布了一条重磅消息,宣布将与CONVERSE推出合作款新产品,虽然很早以前就传出双方将要合作的消息,但是一直以来都没有实际的动作,本次再次放出消息无疑是对质疑声的最大证明,一起期待新产品的发布吧!原文地址请点击
Its no secret by now that the swoosh bought out converse, but now rumors of a possible collaboration have surfaced. This teaser pic via Biggiesb is certainly an eyebrow raiser.
Its not that hard to believe at this point that the two brands would collaborate given they are now owned by the same entity, but none the less this still comes as a surprise. No actual shots have surfaced of the shoes yet, but keep posted to N-sb.org as more information arises.