Supra & Krew宣布新成员加入

作者: skatedaily 发表于: 2012-05-29 评论: 0 查看: 0

      来自One Distribution最新公布的消息,旗下两支品牌Supra和Krew各有一名新队员加入。分别是生于牙买加后定居伦敦的24岁滑手Lucien Clarke加入滑板鞋品牌Supra,而另一位活跃在英国滑板界的本土滑手Chewy Cannon则正式成为服饰品牌Krew的成员。 

        This morning One Distribution announced two new additions to their family, one for each brand. First, Lucien Clarke is now riding for Supra. The 24 year old was born in Jamaica and lived in NYC briefly as a kid before making his home in London where he lives and skates today. Secondly, English skater Chewy Cannon is now riding for Krew apparel. Despite growing up on the east coast of England in Great Yarmouth (basically in the middle of nowhere), Chewy fell deeply into skating, and, like any true skater, found a way to make it happen. Proper stoked to be part of the KR3W team, Chewy said. Still trippin on being on the same team as Tom Penny. Legend!

来源: skatedaily
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