经过先前神秘的预告,今日Element官方终于正式揭开谜底,宣布欢迎Nyjah Huston回家,并成为旗下的PRO滑手!
Observe the skills of Nyjah Huston at present, and imagine what is in store for the future. Rise Up. Element is proud to welcome our new pro, Nyjah Huston!
经过先前神秘的预告,今日Element官方终于正式揭开谜底,宣布欢迎Nyjah Huston回家,并成为旗下的PRO滑手!
Observe the skills of Nyjah Huston at present, and imagine what is in store for the future. Rise Up. Element is proud to welcome our new pro, Nyjah Huston!