Vans之经典Pool Party十周年的活动可以说是经典中的经典,参与其中的滑手们都够实力,够凶猛,够创意。无论是现场的精彩与氛围还是比赛的结果都是爆炸性的,15岁的小将Tom Schaar 拿下职业组冠军?而Bruno Passos和Chris Miller分别夺得大师组合传奇组的冠军!如果你错过了5个小时的在线直播,那就别再错过这一精彩回放!
Broken boards equals broken dreams. Chris Russell had it in the bag but one too many hang- ups enabled Tom Schaar to spin his way to the top. Meanwhile, Pedro Barros stole the show with a death defying NBD. 10 years of the Pool Party and this was the best one yet! Cheers, Vans!