人们最喜闻乐见的大师赛由Tony Hawk拔得头筹(怎么会有意外?)Chris Miller和Steve Caballero分别获得二三名;少壮派组别职业组的前三名分别是Bucky Lusek,Pedro Barros和Alex Sorgente,全程回顾请点击:
As the Australian summer nears a close, the BOWL-A-RAMA bandwagon rolls into town for another year. The event has become a permanent fixture on the Australian skateboarding calendar, and while most of us probably don’t give a toss about Bucky Lasek or Alex Sorgente for most of the year, it’s fair to say that even the most avid “core” skateboarder feels a little excited when they see the unbelievable level of skill on display at Bondi. This year brought with it more chaos than ever, and some of the gnarliest runs and heaviest slams in the contest’s 11-year history went down over the weekend. It’s safe to say that this was the best Vans BOWL-A-RAMA Bondi I’ve ever witnessed, for a number of reasons.