Volcom - "True To This" 世界首映-巴塞罗那站

作者: 发表于: 2014-03-26 评论: 0 查看: 0

3月18日,Volcom史诗大片'True To This'全球首映来到西班牙的巴塞罗那。在首映开始前的30分钟,观众已经在街上排起了长龙。数以千计的冲浪,滑板,滑雪爱好者当日济济一堂,观看影片,喝着啤酒,互相交流经验。首映结束后更有The Mentals乐队high翻现场。

For accomplishing this mission the perfect place is the Apolo venue, which were packed last March 18th. Nobody wanted to miss the opportunity of watching the video exclusively in Spain, so 30 minutes before "doors open" time a huge queue could be seen rounding the block.


来源: Volcom
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