Arto Saari摄影作品展

作者: QINGER 发表于: 2013-09-09 评论: 0 查看: 0

       滑手兼摄影师的Arto Saari近日举办了一场小型摄影作品展,展出了自己的一些优秀滑板摄影作品,同时我们也发现了一些非滑板元素的作品,诸多圈内好友前往参加,Arto Saari还在现场融入了音乐表演,展览嫣然成了一场小聚会!

Last night we headed down to Arto Saari’s first solo exhibition SIDEMISSION. It’s the  pinnacle of ‘pinny town’ in many photographer’s eyes. In his show he captures wild landscapes, rad shredding and legendary head shots. Peep the goods I shot in an Arto inspired black and white representation!

来源: theskateboardmag
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