Corey Duffel x Foundation 10周年派对

作者: Transworld 发表于: 2013-02-12 评论: 0 查看: 0


        上周六,在TWS滑板场举办了纪念Corey Duffel效力Foundation10周年的纪念派对。现场到来了大量知名滑手与Corey Duffel的粉丝,Corey Duffel这个名字相信烙刻在了一代滑板人心中,凶猛的技术风格加上自己对于滑板的独特理解,造就了我们心中的Corey Duffel。一转眼Corey Duffel已经在Foundation团队已经有10年之久,让我们通过现场图片报道来回顾派对吧。








Tod Swank gave Corey some OG artwork.


Vern Laird rolled in with his new pup






Saturday night we celebrated Corey Duffels ten year anniversary being pro for Foundation in our skatepark. A huge skate session, an awesome history of Duffel display in our photo studio, bands, food, brew, motorcycles and more—it was a wild night! Foundations retrospective video, Skateline roasting included, will be on the site soon, youre gonna love it. Check out some footage from the best trick contests, performances by Kids In Heat and Pass The Axe, and the big Dodge Dart surprise in our parking lot.


来源: Transworld
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