Flip Demo this Friday滑板爱好者的聚会!

作者: Flip.com/x 发表于: 2012-08-16 评论: 0 查看: 0

        美国当地时间8月17号下午2点,Flip 将和 Vans 联手为大家奉上一场精彩的滑板秀!作为中国的滑板爱好者,只能通过视频去感受活动的气氛了。不过不要沮丧,2012 Vans Dragon SK8系列赛北京站也将于本周末打响,让我们一起HI翻北京!

      Flip is doing a demo and signing at Vans in Orange, CA this Friday, August 17 at 2PM. Geoff Rowley, Arto Saari, Lance Mountain, David Gonzalez, Curren Caples, Louie Lopez and Oscar Meza are slatted to be there shredding so make sure you make it out.


来源: Flip.com/x
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