2011 DC King of Sao Paulo

作者: DC 发表于: 2011-02-18 评论: 0 查看: 0

    一月22-23日,DC在巴西圣保罗举办了一年一度的DC King of Sao Paulo大赛,以下为比赛结果与视频!

    On January 22-23, DC held its annual DC King of Sao Paulo contest. This years contest was held at Praca Dina and Prafinha in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Thanks to everyone that came out and ripped. Heres the results and coverage from the contest.

1. Felipe Nery - R$ 4.000,00
2. Tiago Lemos - R$ 2.000,00
3. Jonathan Melhado - R$1.000,00
4. João Pedro "Árabe" - R$500,00
5. Carlos "Iqui" Camargo - R$500,00

来源: DC
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