Cliché Mazal Tov Demos

作者: Cliché 发表于: 2010-12-14 评论: 0 查看: 0

    Cliché滑板团队于11月赴以色列展开Mazal Tov tour,以下为Javier, Ricardo, Flo, Charles以及flow滑手Adrien Coillard和Boris Proust的精彩demo视频,敬请期待稍后发布的完整版巡回视频。

    Cliché team have just returned from the Israel Mazal Tov tour this past November. Check out the demo footage of Javier, Ricardo, Flo, Charles and flow skaters Adrien Coillard and Boris Proust. Filmed and edited by Boris. The tour video will be out when French Fred’s photos appear in the mags., the tour video will be out when you French Freds photos.


来源: Cliché
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