Baby Dragon裁判Kickerclub已经将报道传至了他的博客
“又是一个热闹的周末,上海Top Toys滑板场上周刚刚送走了Adidas Skate Hype比赛,这周又迎来了Baby Dragon上海站。作为获取进军杭州总决赛入场券的最后一站比赛,上海站的比赛吸引了几乎全部上海本地高手的参加,上周比赛刚刚赢取8000元奖金的台湾滑手A Dee本周末获得Rail和台阶两个项目冠军又斩获6000元。弧面比赛的冠军被Tommy摘得。现在非常期待两周后杭州的总决赛,各站比赛的前三名齐聚杭州一定有好戏上演。(感谢上海摄影师郑诣提供部分照片)
Another busy weekend! Taking a short break after Adidas Skate Hype last weekend, Shanghai Top Toys was holding the Baby Dragon Shanghai stop this Saturday and Sunday. This was the last chance for skaters to win their tickets to the final contest that will happen in Hangzhou in September 24th and 25th. Most of the top players in Shanghai showed up and competed. A Dee, last week’s champion and star, kept on shining this week and brought home 6,000 RMB by winning Rail and stairs contests. I can’t wait to witness the most fierce battle where all the top three from different stops will come together and fight!”