After elaborate decoration and arrangement , Challenge Skateboards SDA 2010 opened yesterday. Although the first open is on Friday, there are still lots of skaters and art fans left their work to come to WHB venue. More than 30 pieces of decks elaborated by the artists from across of the country were distributed around the venue, and the great originality and creative ideas of the deck art got great applause by the audiences. Many New Agencies including China Daily came to the site. More news and interviews of the artists and exhibition sponsors about the exhibition will be published on different Medias for all the fans.
more photos please check out:SDA Album
WHB was built by Beijing skater Lijian, and it is an indoor skate park with high playable facilities for skaters practice their tricks. Further more , the WHB is a very convenient for skaters to go to due to its greatest location.( near the metro station of Shuangjing of East Three Ring high way)
Another hot topic is the latest BK Decks were brought by the Challenge Skateboards Company for this exhibition.
屋内陈列有Vans 2010滑板日活动征集的优秀摄影作品
The excellent photography works of Vans 2010 Skateboard Day were displayed indoor.
The KickerClub was sticked onto the fan for preying more wind.
The builder of WHB Li Jian (Lift) and the sponsor of this exhibition and bloggers of Kickerclub Guan Mu(Right)
After Party,Mao门口派送的贴纸等,据说最受欢迎的是《滑板入门教学》DVD,已经被拿光了

After Party在MAO的演出

photo:BBL,KickerClub & Erin Ohara