
作者: 英国每日邮报 发表于: 2015-12-20 评论: 0 查看: 0


来自美国的Kaya Sesser生下来就没有腿,但这并没有阻碍她成为一个出色的模特和运动健将。图为22岁的Kaya在加利福尼亚的一个skatepark内玩板。

Kaya Sesser was born without legs but it didn
A man and his pet dog in Malta perform a hilarious synchronized dive while swimming at a local water hole on the island


A turbocharged off-road vehicle performs a death-defying leap through the second storey of a derelict building

World record-holding limbo queen Shemika Charles believes she has become the first person to shimmy under a car in New York earlier this year

纽约女子Shemika Charles从一辆汽车下仰面穿过,她是这一姿势的世界纪录保持者。

Adrianne Lewis, 18, from Twin Lake, Michigan, believes she has the world

18岁的Adrianne Lewis拥有全世界最长的舌头,超过10厘米。
A helpless surfer wipes out on a colossal 12metre-high wave while trying to surf the dangerous wall of water in Maui, Hawaii

来源 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3364078/From-cowardly-lion-real-life-incredible-hulk-stunning-images-feature-photographs-2015.html


来源: 中国滑板网
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