意大利《Vogue》与Quintin Co合作大片“The Bored”

作者: Vogue Italy 发表于: 2013-11-26 评论: 0 查看: 0

时尚杂志与滑板的合作还在继续,这次意大利《Vogue》瞄准了帽装品牌Quintin Co的意大利滑手和时尚电影导演  Alex Tacchi 和 Riccardo L 。
影片中故事发生在一个闷热的下午,以缓慢的钢琴节奏作为背景音乐,数位模特和 Quintin Co.旗下的滑手作为主角出现……

The skate crew over at Quintin Italy has recently featured in this pretty amazing video editorial filmed for Vogue magazine by Alex Tacchi and Riccardo L winners of Best Fashion Film at Roma Web Fest with “Prada Wears the Devil.”

Director & Editor – Alex Tacchi /
Styling – Riccardo L. /
D.o.P. – Jacopo Gennari /
Slider Operator – Boris Porru /
Grooming – Marta Vetere /
Stylist Assistant – Michela Meni
Location Manager – Tiago Da Cruz /
Model – Catalina @ IMG Models Milano /
Skaters – Mattia Todero & Iuri Furdui /
Skaters Supervisor – Liuk Fortini /

来源: 中国滑板网
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