
作者: Transworld 发表于: 2013-11-25 评论: 0 查看: 0

The Readers’ Choice Award is special because it’s the only award chosen by YOU. This year we picked seven skaters who killed it in 2013 to be the nominees for you to vote on. Check them out below, then click on over to cast your vote. See who wins at the 16th Annual TransWorld SKATEboarding Awards going down January 7 in Long Beach, California.

2013 TWS Readers’ Choice Nominees:

Backside Smith grind. Photo: Cronan
Brandon Westgate
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. He closed out Emerica’s MADE Vol. 1 redefining power and pop once again.

Switch bluntslide, photo: BLABAC
Chris Cole
Chris Cole今年表现相当抢眼,不光赢得了Street League总决赛的冠军,而且在前几天发布的ZERO《Cold War》中也有相当给力的表现。
Chris had another huge contest year, winning the Street League stop in Germany, then the whole enchilada in NJ. And just when you think he’s done for the year, he had a full part in Zero’s Cold War.

Kickflip wallride. Photo: GABERMAN
Evan Smith
Evan Smith飘逸的风格让人印象深刻,而且今年绝对是他的丰收年,先后晋升为Element和DC Team的职业滑手,他的个人片段The Evan Smith Experience 也是赢得了相当高的点击率,另外他也参加了Element和DC的世界巡回表演。
Evan turned pro this year with his awesome The Evan Smith Experience part and ripped on trips around the world with Element and DC.

Switch frontside bluntslide. Photo: CHAMI
Ishod Wair
他前段时间发布的个人影片《Wair N Tear》相信大家还记忆犹新吧,是不是还不够过瘾,不用担心,再过几天我们又可以看到他在Nike新片 SB Chronicles Vol. 2 中的片段了,相信又是一场视觉盛宴。
From the arenas to the streets, Ishod ripped at contests and in his VX-powered Wair N Tear video part. His part in SB Chronicles Vol. 2 premiering December 3 is gonna be a doozy.

Mark Suciu
Mark Suciu今年加入了Adidas 队伍,并且还晋升了Habitat队伍的Pro滑手,干净的动作,流畅的风格,他的视频真是看一百遍都不会腻。
Mark joined the adidas team with the much talked about Philly video, turned pro for Habitat, and blazed tech lines around the world.

50-50 to 50-50. Photo: CHAMI
Silas Baxter-Neal
Silas不光在影片《Perpetual Motion》中有相当精彩的表现,而且照片上的这个动作已经告诉了你他为什么能够得到提名。
Silas had one of the best parts in Perpetual Motion and his rail-to-rail cover was straight up mind-blowing

Darkslide. Photo: BLABAC
Wes Kremer
今年Wes Kremer的收获也是不小,先是得到了自己的DC签名鞋款,随后又参加了DC的亚太地区巡回,相信不少国内滑手今年都有幸见到真人了吧。
Wes had his pro model shoe drop on DC, unveiled a whopper of a darkslide on our cover, had a shared part in STEE, and continued to grow his worldwide fan base.



来源: Transworld
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