Plan B正式宣布Chris Joslin成为旗下的最新PRO滑手,从出道以来,他的表现所有人都看在眼里,真正的实力派大概就是这样,似乎轻松几个大招就能拼出一部大气的庆祝视频,Snikt, MVP和Ouija 三款签名板面也一同发布,值得庆祝!
With no further ado, Plan B is proud to announce Chris Joslin is now pro! Dubbed, "The Wolverine" for his ferocity at handling the biggest tricks with a take no prisoners attack, his skating speaks volumes to his hard work and dedication. With legendary video parts already under his belt, the fury rages on with destruction sure to ensue for ages. Congrats Chris! Joslin’s Snikt, MVP and Ouija boards are all available now!