Chris Cole大作The Motivation 2.0预售开始

作者: 发表于: 2015-06-12 评论: 0 查看: 0

Chris Cole大作The Motivation 2.0今日开始预售,6月23日正式发片,对于想了解 Cole故事的人来说是不容错过的作品,看看下面这段视频可能更容易激发你的购买欲!

The Motivation 2.0: The Chris Cole story is now available for pre-order on iTunes. Get ready for the film's release on June 23 by watching every ridiculous clip he's filmed in The Berrics since we moved into the new park. We don't have to tell you... Chris Cole is a beast. The guy has done every trick there is to do and keeps inventing more. To say he's deserving of a documentary is an understatement. Pre-order now!

来源: Berrics
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