奥地利红牛出品,职业滑板摄影师Mike Blabac和滑板的面孔,从87年得到一台旧Nikon F3开始,Mike就开始为朋友们拍摄滑板照片,如今他的朋友们都声明在外,比如Torey Pudwill, Danny Way和Wes Kremer。
尽管05年他拍摄的Danny Way飞跃长城的作品奠定了他职业滑板摄影师的地位,而的Mike依旧低调谦和的分享他20年职业生涯的经验和对这份事业的感激与热爱。
Mike Blabac got his first camera, an old Nikon F3, at a swap meet in 1987. He’s been photographing his friends skateboard ever since, only now his friends are legendary athletes like Torey Pudwill, Danny Way and Wes Kremer.
Starting his career shooting on film, Blabac’s initial response to the evolution into digital photography was to vehemently oppose it. That is until he took the iconic photo of skateboarder Danny Way jumping the Great Wall of China in 2005; a shot that to this day circulates the web. Since then he’s adapted fully to an industry that continues to change on a daily basis, claiming a stake in the action sports photography space with a career spanning two decades. While Instagram heroes may ebb and flow, photographers like Blabac that have years of experience honing their craft will continue to rise through the noise.