BATB7似乎是Cody Cepeda命运的分水岭,而命运似乎依旧更多的依赖于个人的付出与努力,将 BATB7奖金全部用于搬去洛杉矶并拍摄自己的第一部个人视频,面对重重困难,Cody 的故事究竟会如何续写?中文字幕版随后发布,敬请期待!
Cody Cepeda used all of his BATB7 prize money to move out to Los Angeles and film his first real video part. But ask anyone; filming a part ain't easy - even in LA. Finding good spots, getting kicked out, taking slams, dealing with cops... all of that take its toll on you, and the stress is enough to kill anyone. With the deadline for footage approaching, we joined Cody for a street mission on his 24th birthday to check in and see how it's all going.