"在哪玩板不重要,重要的是跟谁一起玩!“,俗话说物以类聚,人以群分,能跟逗逼跳楼机 Aaron “Jaws” Homoki作10多年的滑板圈好基友,Ben Raybourn自然也非俗辈,「 PUSH 」解读眼镜白鲨第二部分,继续讲述眼镜背后的故事,中文字幕版稍后呈现!
"When we go on trips together we skate really rad stuff because we’re more open to skate something that might really suck. Like, it could work. Or it could just be terrible. I like that." Who you skate a spot with sometimes matter more than what the spot is. Go with a bad crew, and you could have the worst time ever. Go with your best friend, it's a totally different story. Ben Raybourn's been going on trips with Aaron "Jaws" Homoki for close to 10 years now. They've been everywhere together and have pushed each other to get some of the best tricks they've ever filmed for video parts. Episode 2 continues their trip through the east coast.