一直以来滑板都是一项以男性为主角的运动,但是这也并不意味着那些深爱并且为滑板付出和拼搏的女滑手们永无出头之日。本期「 PUSH 」呈现巴西滑板女神LETICIA BUFONI的板女人生,让你了解在那些误解与否定之下,LETICIA 如何倔强绽放。
For the most part, skateboarding is a male-dominated activity. That's not to say that there aren't plenty of girls out there who rip just as hard as the guys. It's just that the scrapes, bruises, and dirt that come along with it typically don't appeal to the average female. But Leticia Bufoni (@leticiabufoni) is slowly but surely changing that stereotype. We go back to São Paulo, Brazil to see how it all started and hear firsthand how growing up wasn't exactly a bed of roses. Everyone has a story. Everyone comes from somewhere. Never forget where you're from and always know where you're going.