一度出身地下的滑板文化如今的扩张之势令人难以想象,甚至足以吸引Eugène Riconneaus这样的大牌设计师。身为法国鞋履设计师,Eugène Riconneaus一度于师从英国传统奢侈品牌John Lobb和巴黎制鞋名匠Raymond Massaro。
Desillusion杂志前往Eugène Riconneaus的故乡巴黎,与其共度一日。从他早先设计的滑板鞋到最新为Nixon设计的ER x Nixon Time Teller合作款腕表带你进一步了解这位深爱滑板的艺术家。
Inspired by the underground culture of skateboarding growing up, Eugène Riconneaus has come to be one of the most unique, contemporary designers working in France today. Having been mentored by such greats as J. Lobb & Raymond Massaro, Eugène's works combines a traditional approach with a vision of eternal adolescence.
Desillusion editor Pierre David spent a day in Eugène's hometown of Paris to gain an insight into his inspirations for his latest collaboration, the 'ER x Nixon Time Teller'. Supported by Nixon