与马达哥的疯狂之旅不同,在他正式成为ELEMENT和DC两大滑板品牌的PRO滑手之后,MADARS APSE回到他滑板梦想的摇篮--家乡拉脱维亚首都里加。
要知道作为这个波罗的海小国的第一位职业滑手,荣归故里的MADARS APSE颇有点英雄感觉。那就跟随英雄的脚步感受一下故国故城的人文风情,寻找成就PRO的蛛丝马迹。
Latvia is a small country on the Baltic Sea, west of Russia, and sandwiched between Estonia and Lithuania. We followed Madars around his hometown of Riga to experience the local culture and see where the first ever pro skater out of Latvia got his start.
Madars takes us around his hometown in Latvia, shreds a Euro park, shows us the natural wonders of the East European Plain, and gives us a heaping slice of Latvian life in Riga. Uz veselību! Priekā!