Zumiez采访了有老大之称的职业滑手Andrew Reynolds。想知道老大最喜欢的职业滑手是谁吗?想知道哪位滑手对老大的启发最大吗?威风凛凛的老大也有铁汉柔情的一面,他生命中最重要的日子就是陪伴女儿和家人,享受天伦之乐。让我们一起来看采访吧!
Check out this Zumiez interview with pro skater Andrew Reynolds. Andrew rides for Emerica, Baker, Shake Junt, Altamont, Independent, Brigada, Stance, Nixon, and Spitfire. In this video, Andrew Reynolds talks about his inspirations growing up, what a typical day is like, and his time working with Burt Reynolds in the movie “Cop and a Half.”