PJ Ladd
出生: 1983年1月11日(现年31岁)
出生地: 马萨诸塞州罗克兰
国籍: 美国
职业: 职业滑手
Patrick John Ladd, 圈里人喜欢称呼他PJ Ladd, 是位生于1983年1月11日的Regular站姿职业滑手。Ladd 因2013年5月和职业滑手兼团队经理John Rattray一起同事被贴上“东海岸传奇”的标签。
Ladd 生于美国马萨诸塞州罗克兰,在首府波士顿长大。在2013年的一个访谈中Ladd谈到滑板在他波士顿童年时期扮演了重要的角色:“我会在父亲汽车零配件商店隔壁的仓库里玩盒子和平杆等滑板道具,然后坐火车再去市区里滑板。在这之前我就在高中停车场的水泥地
滑板。再之前就在我家房前的空地上。感觉还不错。” 同样在2013年的采访中,Ladd解释说他所接受的教养强化了他的个性,他非常“感谢”所受到的良好教养,虽然异常艰难,“但这些教养成就了现在的我”
尽管Ladd 在Coliseum 滑板店的视频“PJ Ladd的多彩恐怖生活”(PJ Ladd's Wonderful Horrible Life)之前就已经在波士顿当地广为人知,但正是他在这部2002年滑板店视频中的个人片段才引起了滑板界的关注。

他加入Flip 滑板成为职业滑手之前,Ladd 是在Donny Barley 帮助下作为AM 为Element 滑板效力。在Flip 的Sorry 三部曲之第二部Really Sorry 中,Ladd 个人片段起名“沉默是金”("Silence is Golden")且无背景音乐。
和职业滑手Paul Rodriguez、Ryan Gallant和Pat Duffy一起,Ladd 加入重组后的Plan B滑板公司。在Plan B的广告片“超级未来”(Superfuture)中可以看到Ladd 的镜头。

除了职业滑手Arto Saari、Levi Brown和Tom Karangelov,Ladd 也是新百伦(New Balance)旗下"NB#"("New Balance Numeric") 的团队成员。作为马萨诸塞州首府波士顿本土品牌,新百伦挺适合Ladd 的,因为他本身也是当地人。Ladd 信守新百伦团队:“我相信新百伦不会是波士顿的垃圾鞋类品牌,它会成功并且做出伟大的鞋子。我觉得还有很多内容可以融入进来。”
Ladd 是2013年德国慕尼黑X Game极限赛“真实街头”("Real Street")赛事的参赛选手,该比赛选手专属视频是由公众投票决定的。Ladd 首轮对手是Austyn Gillette,Ladd 的视频片段包括长凳、台子以及餐桌(picnic tables)等等滑板道具。

Plan B 滑板、Plan B 轮子、Diamond Supply Co. 、Venture滑板桥、Jessup 砂纸、Bones 轴承、New Balance Numeric (NB#)、Brick Harbor
Ladd 先后出镜于美国艺电(Electronic Arts)的电子游戏SKATE、Skate 2和Skate 3。
Ladd 在Berrics 5 总决赛拿下Mike Mo Capaldi赢得冠军,紧接着第二年拿下Paul Rodriguez获得Berrics 6 冠军。
截止2013年5月,Ladd 生活于家乡马萨诸塞州和加州洛杉矶。不滑板时,他会保持阅读。

The Coliseum Video (1999)[20]
411VM Issue #37 (1999)[21]
Digital Skateboarding #2 (2000)[22]
Zoo York: E.S.T. (2000)[23]
Logic #4 (2000)[24]
411VM Issue #40 (2000)[25]
411VM Issue #44 (2001)[26]
411VM Issue #45 (2001)[27]
411VM Best of #8 (2001)
Big Brother: Crap (2001)[28]
ON Video Magazine: Spring (2001)
Monkey Business: Project of a Lifetime (2001)
Coliseum: PJ Ladd's Wonderful Horrible Life (2002)
éS: Germany Tour (2002)
Thrasher: King Of The Road 2003 (2003)
Flip: Really Sorry (2003)
éS: Europe Tour (2003)
Thrasher: King of the Road 2003 (2003)
Coliseum: Boston Massacre (2004)
Red Bull: Seek & Destroy I (2004)
Digital Skateboarding #12 Divercity (2005)
Fourstar: Super Champion Funzone (2005)
Fourstar: Catalog Shoot (2005)
Elwood: First & Hope (2006)
Plan B: Live After Death (2006)
Sex, Hood, Skate, and Videotape (2006)[29][30]
éS: eSpecial (2007)
DC: Live From Europe (2008)
Plan B: Superfuture (2008)
The Berrics: Battle Commander (2008)
Plan B: Plan B In Moscow, Russia (2009)
Plan B: Plan B In Arizona (2009)[31]
1 "PRE-GAME INTERVIEW PJ Ladd vs. MikeMo Capaldi" (Video upload). The Berrics. The Berrics. 1 June 2013. Retrieved 3 June 2013.
2 "The New Balance Skate Team". Thrasher Magazine. High Speed Productions. 3 May 2013. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
3 "Team: PJ Ladd". Plan B. Plan B. May 2013. Retrieved 2 June 2013.
4 Stephen Cox (30 May 2013). "Interrogation". The Berrics. The Berrics. Retrieved 2 June 2013.
5 Oliver Barton (24 May 2012). "OLIVER BARTON’S TOP 5 YOUTUBES OF THE WEEK: YOUNG BUCKS COMING UP" (Video upload). Transworld Skateboarding. Bonnier Corporation. Retrieved 2 June 2013.
6 rollingforever999999 (21 November 2008). "PJ Ladd in Really Sorry" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
7 pjladd (1 November 2008). "PJ Ladd Plan B Superfuture Promo" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
8 "PJ LADD VS AUSTYN GILLETTE" (Video upload). ESPN X Games. ESPN Internet Ventures. 4 June 2013. Retrieved 9 June 2013.
9 Blair Alley (17 May 2011). "PJ LADD & PLAN B PRO.SPEC WHEELS". TransWorld SKATEboarding. Bonnier Corporation. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
10 "Diamond Supply Co x The Berrics | PJ Ladd Tee". Radcollector.com. Titel Media. 20. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
11 "Spring '13 Drop". Venture. Deluxe Distribution. March 2013. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
12 "Team – PJ Ladd". Jessup Griptape. Jessup Griptape. 2013. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
13 "Team". Bones Bearings. Skate One. May 2013. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
14 PJ Ladd (February 2013). "Put em to the test. A+". pjladd on Webstagram. A-FIS PTE.LTD. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
15 "Team – PJ Ladd". Brick Harbor. Brick Harbor. May 2013. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
16 Transworld Skateboarding, New SKATE Game for PS3 and Xbox360, 19. September 2006
17 Wbeat1992 (21 July 2012). "BATB 5 Mike Mo vs. PJ ladd" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
18 "PJ LADD vs MIKEMO CAPALDI". The Berrics. The Berrics. 1 June 2013. Retrieved 2 June 2013.
19 "CHAMPIONSHIP BATTLE" (Video upload). The Berrics. The Berrics. 3 June 2013. Retrieved 3 June 2013.
20 pjladd (30 January 2008). "PJ Ladd Coliseum Video 1999" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
21 pjladd (30 January 2008). "PJ Ladd 411 VM Issue #37" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
22 Santi Sanz (4 April 2013). "PJ Ladd Digital 2" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
23 pjladd (30 January 2008). "PJ Ladd Zoo York E.S.T." (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
24 pjladd (30 January 2008). "PJ Ladd Logic #4" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
25 Santi Sanz (4 April 2013). "PJ Ladd 411VM Issue 40" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
26 Santi Sanz (4 April 2013). "PJ Ladd 411VM Issue 44 (Chaos)" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
27 Santi Sanz (6 April 2013). "PJ Ladd 411VM 45" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
28 pjladd (30 January 2008). "PJ Ladd Big Brother Crap" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
29 Ian Reid (26 March 2007). "Sex,Hood,Skate & Videotape REMIX !!" (Video upload). Myspace. Myspace LLC. Retrieved 9 June 2013.
30 pjladd (3 February 2008). "PJ Ladd Ian Reid's Video" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 9 June 2013.
31 "PJ Ladd skate videos". Skatevideosite.com. Skatevideosite.com. 2005–2013. Retrieved 9 June 2013.