Guy Mariano
出生: 1976年3月31日(现年38岁)
状态: 职业滑手、公司合伙人
职业滑手Guy Mariano (生于1976年3月31日) 14岁时正是通过Blind 滑板视频"Video Days"中个人片段而一举成名。

Mariano 是在美国加州伯班克上的约翰·巴勒斯高中(John Burroughs High School)。(待证实)

创建于1962年且做滑板、滑雪以及冲浪文化的加州零售商Val Surf是Mariano的第一个赞助商。
Mariano 的首个板面赞助商是Powell Peralta,他和Paulo Diaz、Rudy Johnson以及Gabriel Rodriguez一起出镜于该公司的滑板影片"Ban This"。
Mariano 在2011年的一个访谈中说到他和Johnson 都很满意赞助商Powell,但受到Mark Gonzales激励,他们想要加入到一个由Gonzales 所主导的冒险之中。Mariano 进一步解释说,在他和Gonzales 加州威尼斯海滩见面之后,他们搬到了Gonzales 的住处,一起滑板一年之后,时机成熟时他就欣然加入Blind 滑板团队。
和Gonzales、Jason Lee、Jordan Richter以及Rudy Johnson和Mariano 一起所出镜的Blind 视频"Video Days"被大家认为是滑板史中一个伟大的成就。滑板杂志将团队成员再次聚集来庆祝该视频发行20周年,与此同时Gonzales 被Transworld 滑板杂志评为最有影响力的滑手。职业滑手Paul Rodriguez 2003年时提到他1999年第一次看到"Video Days"后才更深刻理解他那个年代那样滑板的原因,并且该视频也激励着他去滑板。
当年Mariano 加入Rodney Mullen、Jeron Wilson、Andrew Reynolds、Gershon Mosley、Ryan Wilburn、Heath Kirchart和Mike York的澳洲旅行,拍摄一部叫做"Canvas"的纪录片。该影片由Globe 合伙人Mike Hill 联合执导。
伴随着Blind,Mariano 加入了Girl 滑板团队且在1996年视频"Mouse"中扮演重要角色。自从加入Girl团队,Mariano 几乎参加从Girl成立后出品的每一部重要视频。
Mariano 在Girl 视频"Mouse" 中的个人片段为其在滑板圈内赢得广泛认可,打个比方,职业滑手Kenny Anderson评价其个人片段中很简单的一个动作:“Guy Mariano的线是洛杉矶高中这儿最垃圾的线。现在他能来个Switch Back Tail,但这条线中我最爱的却是他在平地上的转身。那才是整条线中我的最爱。”
2012年Mariano 出镜Girl和Chocolate 合作影片"Pretty Sweet",并坐镇影片标志性最后精彩部分(通常被称为影片的"终结者")。刚开始只是准备让Mariano 普通剪辑出镜,但在受到影片导演Ty Evans要更多拍摄自己片段的鼓励之后,Mariano 最终为所有视频收集到足够的素材。紧跟着他的"Pretty Sweet"个人片段,网络节目Skateline 主持人Gary Rogers 力挺Mariano 当选 Thrasher 滑板杂志主办的"年度滑手"(Skate of the Year)- 但该奖最终花落David Gonzalez。
Mariano 经过间断性非法服用药物,2005年重回职业滑板领域。出镜Lakai 滑板影片"Fully Flared"并拿下Transworld 承办的2008年度"最佳街式"(Best Street)、"最佳视频片段"(Best Video Part)和"读者选择"(Readers Choice)三个奖项- 视频本身获得"最佳视频"奖。领奖后Mariano 并没有拿出任何预先准备好的演讲稿,他只是说“我比你们大多数都年长,我要痛哭了。”("I'm older than most of you so I'm going to cry." ),在获得"最佳街式"和"最佳视频片段"后就是“我爱你们!我爱滑板”("I love everybody! I love skateboarding")的感慨。
Mariano 和Rudy Johnson 于1999年合伙创立Royal Trucks滑板桥公司,并且和Eric Koston 合作经营Fourstar 服饰品牌。
重新回到职业滑板领域,Mariano 在Transworld 滑板奖第10届中获得了"最佳街式滑手"和"最佳视频片段"(正是因为影片"Fully Flared")。
Mariano 因在Girl和Chocolate联合制作的滑板影片"Pretty Sweet"中结尾的个人精彩片段而再次获得Transworld 第15届"最佳视频片段"荣誉。
职业滑手Paul Rodriguez 在2013年时将Mariano 列入自己最欣赏的职业滑手前十。Rodriguez 说到:“他就是那种当场人们见证且会被听说的创造传奇的人物,然后你从他的优秀中再慢慢回到现实。”

Mariano 是意大利裔美国人,他在37岁时表明了这一点,职业滑板为他的个人生活中带来了巨大的困难:
我做出了很多的牺牲- 我怀念我母亲的生日、女友的生日、感恩节、圣诞节,但因为我在滑板旅行(而不能参加这些节日)。在这个年龄我必须投入生命中太多的东西才能作为一个滑手。很多人选择了生活,娶妻生子拥有家庭,但每周末时我身边还是没有人围着我。年纪稍大了就想身边有人围着,你懂这种感觉吧。
Patrick O'Dell主持的Vice 栏目"Epicly Later'd"会从更加全面深层的角度为你讲述Mariano 的个人故事。
Powell Peralta: Ban This (1989)[5]
Blind: Video Days (1991)[25]
Blind: Tim & Henry's Pack of Lies (1992)[26]
Girl: Goldfish (1993)[27]
Girl: Mouse (1996)[28]
Globe: Canvas (1998)[8]
ON Video: Summer 2003 (2003)[7]
Fourstar: Super Champion Funzone (2005)[29]
Fourstar: Catalog Shoot (2005)[30]
The Berrics: Battle Commander (2007)[31][32]
Lakai: Fully Flared (2007)[33]
Streets: LA (2007)[34]
Fourstar: A Tribe Called Mapquest (2008)[35]
Lakai: The Final Flare! (2008)[36]
Fourstar: Gang of Fourstar (2009)[37]
Lakai: 2010 Video Collection (2010)
Lakai: Voltage (2010)[38]
Girl: Outbackwards (2010)[39]
Thrasher: King Of The Road 2011 (2011)[40]
Girl/Chocolate: Pretty Sweet (2012)[13]

1 Spanish Mike (31 March 2012). "HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Guy Mariano". Manny Slays All. Wordpress. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
2 "Guy Mariano". Skately. Skately LLC. 2013. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
3 Jaime Owens (18 January 2011). "BEHIND THE SCENES: VIDEO DAYS REUNION SHOOT". Skateboarder. Grind Media LLC. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
4 MannySlaysall (9 June 2012). "WHOWHATWHEREWHENWHYHOW: Guy Mariano" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
5 ilurvemymoosey (24 April 2012). "Paulo Diaz, Rudy Johnson, Gabriel Rodriguez, Guy Mariano - Ban This" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
6 Killeen Gonzalez (21 December 2011). "TransWorld Magazine Releases List of the 30 Most Influential Skaters of All Time: A Fan’s Reaction". Yahoo! Sports. Yahoo!, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
7 "ON Video - Summer 2003 (2003)" (Video upload). Skately. Skately LLC. 2013. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
8 oceanhive (7 July 2009). "Canvas: The Skateboarding Documentary (1998) - Pt 1" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
9 oceanhive (14 August 2009). "Canvas: The Skateboarding Documentary (1998) - Pt 2" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
10 oceanhive (16 December 2009). "Canvas: The Skateboarding Documentary (1998) - Pt 3" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
11 oceanhive (17 March 2010). "Canvas: The Skateboarding Documentary (1998) - Pt 4" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
12 skaidernation (27 October 2009). "Guy Mariano - Girl Mouse". YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 22 August 2012.
13 "Guy Mariano skate videos". 2005–2013. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
14 crailtap (7 May 2012). "Crailtap's Mini Top 5 with Kenny Anderson and his favorite LA High tricks" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
15 Oliver Pelling; Ben Colen (15 December 2012). "Guy Mariano: Surviving the Times". Huck Radical Culture. Huck Magazine. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
16 RIDEChannel (4 December 2012). "SKATELINE - SOTY 2012, Nyjah Huston, Guy Mariano, Chaz Ortiz and Mo ..." (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
17 Greg (14 June 2008). "Guy Mariano Dominates 10th Annual Transworld SKATEboarding Awards". Action Sports News and Video: Skateboarding, Snowboarding, BMX and Moto. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
18 "Links". Chocolate Skateboards. Chocolate Skateboards. 2013. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
19 Crailtap (22 August 2012). "Guy’s not only an owner in Fourstar, he’s also a client. New Ad.". Crailtap Facebook page. Facebook. Retrieved 22 August 2012.
20 transworld (28 October 2011). "2007 TWS Awards: Best Street Skater Guy Mariano" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
21 Jonathan Young (17 June 2008). "10th Annual Transworld SKATEboarding Awards results". Europeskate. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
22 TWS (28 February 2013). "WINNERS: 15TH ANNUAL TRANSWORLD SKATEBOARDING AWARDS PRESENTED BY NEW ERA". Transworld SKATEboarding. Bonnier Corporation. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
23 Paul Rodriguez (21 July 2013). "PROD’S TOP TEN: FAVORITE PRO’S". The Official Paul Rodriguez Website. Rodskate, Inc. Retrieved 24 July 2013.
24 Patrick O'Dell (March 2009). "GUY MARIANO - PART 1 EPICLY LATER'D". VICE United States. Vice Media Inc. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
25 ThrasherMagazine (20 September 2011). "Classics: Guy Mariano Video Days" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
26 worldblind101 (3 March 2010). "Blind Tim & Henry Pack Of Lies Promo HD" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
27 ilurvemymoosey (3 May 2012). "Jovontate Turner, Guy Mariano, Sean Sheffey - Goldfish" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
28 skaidernation (27 October 2009). "Guy Mariano - Girl Mouse" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
29 Snota (3 May 2012). "Fourstar - Super Champion Funzone" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
30 PRod84Skater (7 May 2012). "Fourstar - Catalog Shoot" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
31 TheSkatingVideo (10 April 2011). "Guy Mariano - Battle Commander" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
32 "BATTLE COMMANDER Guy Mariano" (Video upload). The Berrics. The Berrics. 13 January 2008. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
33 ilurvemymoosey (7 May 2012). "Guy Mariano - Fully Flared" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
34 satva (19 July 2006). "STREETS L.A. 2006" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
35 Carleton Curtis (26 September 2008). "FOURSTAR’S "A TRIBE CALLED MAPQUEST" TOUR". Transworld SKATEboarding. Bonnier Corporation. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
36 dy1234567890dy (18 December 2008). "Guy Mariano Lakai slam - teaser for final flare" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
37 Crailtap PLUS (March 2010). "Gang Of Fourstar". Crailtap PLUS on Vimeo. Vimeo LLC. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
38 LAKAI LIMITED FOOTWEAR (March 2011). "LAKAI VOLTAGE TOUR VIDEO" (Video upload). LAKAI LIMITED FOOTWEAR on Vimeo. Vimeo LLC. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
39 skateboardermag (21 May 2010). "GIRLS OUTBACKWARDS TOUR PART 3" (Video upload). Skateboarder. GrindMedia, LLC. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
40 lakaiweb (22 October 2012). "LAKAI KOTR EDITIONS COMMERCIAL" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. Retrieved 13 March 2013.