【滑板文艺】加拿大青年摄影师William Lalonde

作者: YYY 发表于: 2014-04-14 评论: 0 查看: 0

William Lalonde是活跃于加拿大首都渥太华的一名街头摄影师,拍摄项目除了滑板之外还包括人像、建筑、人文等,常用器材为Contax G1搭配CZ Biogon 28/2.8镜头,Bronica ETRS搭配Zenzanon 75/2.8,以及一台用了3年的iPhone 4(据William本人所说,这是他用过的最好的数码相机,因为他没有用过数码单反)。


- An old optex camera bag, fits everything I have here just perfectly.
- Bronica ETRS with a Zenzanon 75/2.8 and a waist level finder. This is my newest addition and I probably prefer it to any other camera I’ve shot with.
- Contax G1 with a CZ Biogon 28/2.8. This was the camera I bought for my trip this summer and I absolutely love the sharpness of the lens. The TLA140 flash is a new addition. The only downside is the tiny viewfinder!
- Kodak Tri-X 400. Both in 120mm and 35mm. To me, there is no better film on the market.
- A 3 year old broken iPhone 4. Probably the best digital camera I’ve ever used. (lacking any DSLR experience, but not opposed to it)- Contax leather cases for the flash and lens.
- Sunglasses.
- A notebook for whenever an idea about anything comes to me. I have an atrocious memory so it comes in handy.


来源: 中国滑板网
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